sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015


Andrea Perez
cod: 40670356


Through this the ideas and communicate feelings and we can say that is that everyone has the ability to communicate with others either through speech, writing, oral or written signs there are also other conventional signs and can be used all way to communicate and is a human right, but the animals also has its own language.


Learning is a process and occurs through experiences where skills, abilities, knowledge but is not only a responsibility of schools, college and university generate knowledge acquired also depends on each of us because you learn all of it good and bad, you learn to dance, sing, draw. In addition you learn at home, in the park, you learn anywhere.


Education is the process in which a person who has knowledge teaches other person who lacks that knowledge by which transmission processes, communication, interaction, recreation and building new knowledge generated.

Good teaching is one that promotes personal, professional and social development of individuals and the autonomy of thought and action. So too

It said that education should stimulate commitment and ethical responsibility towards the task and the capacity for lifelong learning.

Teaching presents a peculiar characteristic, intentionality by a person or group of people to influence learning another or others in a certain direction. Teaching is an intentional character and since transmission processes, communication, interaction, recreation and construction of knowledge generated social meaning.

The task of teaching is to enable action to study and to teach how to learn, to teach for understanding.


Lev Vygotsky is considered the precursor of social constructivism, sees

Man is a social being par excellence for learning and influence of the people around him therefore knowledge is a social product..

From him there were several different social conceptions of learning Knowledge is a process of interaction between subject and medium, but the medium understood as something social and cultural, not only physical.

Vygotsky argues that human development is not only a result of genetic inheritance, but occurs through social and cultural activities; So, what assimilates the individual is primarily a reflection of what happens in the interaction social, in a given society and historical epoch.

For Vygotsky education is not limited to the acquisition of information, but a source of individual development, as long as it is provided

tools, internal techniques and intellectual operations.

This type of model places great emphasis on the active role of the teacher while thinking skills students develop "naturally" through various "routes" of discovery.

The three main assumptions of Vygotsky are:

Building meanings.
The community has a central role.
The people around student greatly affects how he or she "sees" the world.

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