Yascide Galvis M
Code: 63452565
Group 25
Unit 1
MY record

Is The global human communication, that express whatever we want and how we felling, Using Our brain, mouth, ears, is the ability to understand to each other, so is method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of words in a structured and conventional way, It is also a non-verbal method of expression or communication Also is the style of a piece of writing or speech.
Language can be acquired spontaneously through observation, without planned training.
Final we can say that language is the many form that we can communicate each other.

Learning is the process to absorbing knowledge, to acquiring knowledge, to wake up into a new reality, is the process to understand the real world.
So learning is a change in the neuron patterns of the brain, every time that we learn something new. Those thousand in billions of neurons connected to each other in a new formation what they call Networks that actually represent that information.
Is the ability to use that information to solve life related the problems.
Learning occurs through experience, practice and interaction with the environment. Involve step by step process in which and individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge behaviors or ways of processing the world.

Is the transmission of knowledge from one person to another, is it a guide to discover so much great as potential, Maybe teaching means a lot of things, for example, teaching involves hearing about each student’s needs; teaching helps Motivating students to build their critical opinions, encouraging students to develop their personal interest and expectations, providing a warm environment to the students and confidence.
So we can say that teaching is.
Flexibility, Passionate, Guiding, Discovery, Understanding, Encouragement, Motivation, Invention, Sharing, Creativity, success, Challenging, Communication, Caring, Interactive
And the most of all
Social Constructivism by lev Vygotsky.
Vygotsky determined that the interactions with others for a critical element for critical thinking and for learning, heat up every function in a child’s cultural development appears twice firs on a social level and later on an individual level, so first between people are enters ecological and then inside child’s track psychological, this applies equally to voluntary attention to logical memory and into the formation of concepts all the higher functions originate actual relationships between individuals.
Vygotsky got the theory is based on code dialogue his own proximal development social interactions and culture.
Vygotsky’s theory included three major themes,
1 social interaction
2 The more knowledgeable other
3 Zone of proximal Development or CPD
The three major themes included element second ought to be observed in today´s culture.
Vygotsky first major theme suggest that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition, persons can be observed working cooperatively together so on different to the group or in small groups around the classroom.
Vygotsky view interaction appears as an effective way in developing skills and strategies.
For Example
Cooperative learning is evident in writers workshop, writers encourage on another by listening.
Social interaction cost the evidence and agreed to collaborate the social studies unit, When their tacit learning, exploring understand each other´s culture.
The second major theme that guides students learning is the idea of the more knowledgeable other and KMO refers to someone who has a better understanding or higher ability level and the learner with respect to the particular task process or concept.
The MKO is normally as being a teacher a coach or an older adult but the MKO can also be peers a younger person or even computers, the teachers usually seen as a coach and this is becoming more common it´s more common phrase as being used education , clever learning should be seen as a process appear interaction that mediated instruction by the teacher.
The teacher does less direct instruction and more facilitation learning by first briefly introducing and clarifying new concepts and information and then linking the new information to previously learned material.
So that is constructivism. And I support that.
Thanks so much. For your time.
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