sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015


Andrea Perez
cod: 40670356


Through this the ideas and communicate feelings and we can say that is that everyone has the ability to communicate with others either through speech, writing, oral or written signs there are also other conventional signs and can be used all way to communicate and is a human right, but the animals also has its own language.


Learning is a process and occurs through experiences where skills, abilities, knowledge but is not only a responsibility of schools, college and university generate knowledge acquired also depends on each of us because you learn all of it good and bad, you learn to dance, sing, draw. In addition you learn at home, in the park, you learn anywhere.


Education is the process in which a person who has knowledge teaches other person who lacks that knowledge by which transmission processes, communication, interaction, recreation and building new knowledge generated.

Good teaching is one that promotes personal, professional and social development of individuals and the autonomy of thought and action. So too

It said that education should stimulate commitment and ethical responsibility towards the task and the capacity for lifelong learning.

Teaching presents a peculiar characteristic, intentionality by a person or group of people to influence learning another or others in a certain direction. Teaching is an intentional character and since transmission processes, communication, interaction, recreation and construction of knowledge generated social meaning.

The task of teaching is to enable action to study and to teach how to learn, to teach for understanding.


Lev Vygotsky is considered the precursor of social constructivism, sees

Man is a social being par excellence for learning and influence of the people around him therefore knowledge is a social product..

From him there were several different social conceptions of learning Knowledge is a process of interaction between subject and medium, but the medium understood as something social and cultural, not only physical.

Vygotsky argues that human development is not only a result of genetic inheritance, but occurs through social and cultural activities; So, what assimilates the individual is primarily a reflection of what happens in the interaction social, in a given society and historical epoch.

For Vygotsky education is not limited to the acquisition of information, but a source of individual development, as long as it is provided

tools, internal techniques and intellectual operations.

This type of model places great emphasis on the active role of the teacher while thinking skills students develop "naturally" through various "routes" of discovery.

The three main assumptions of Vygotsky are:

Building meanings.
The community has a central role.
The people around student greatly affects how he or she "sees" the world.

My Concept....

Yascide Galvis M
Code: 63452565
Group 25
Unit 1
MY record

*    What is Language?
Is The global human communication, that express whatever we want and how we felling, Using Our brain, mouth, ears, is the ability to understand to each other, so is method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of words in a structured and conventional way, It is also a non-verbal method of expression or communication Also is the style of a piece of writing or speech.
Language can be acquired spontaneously through observation, without planned training.
Final we can say that language is the many form that we can communicate each other. 

*    What is learning?
Learning is the process to absorbing knowledge, to acquiring knowledge, to wake up into a new reality, is the process to understand the real world.
So learning is a change in the neuron patterns of the brain, every time that we learn something new.  Those thousand in billions of neurons connected to each other in a new formation what they call Networks that actually represent that information.
Is the ability to use that information to solve life related the problems.
Learning occurs through experience, practice and interaction with the environment.  Involve step by step process in which and individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge behaviors or ways of processing the world.

*    What is teaching?
Is the transmission of knowledge from one person to another, is it a guide to discover so much great as potential, Maybe teaching means a lot of things, for example, teaching involves hearing about each student’s needs; teaching helps Motivating students to build their critical opinions, encouraging students to develop their personal interest and expectations, providing a warm environment to the students and confidence.
So we can say that teaching is.
 Flexibility, Passionate, Guiding, Discovery, Understanding, Encouragement, Motivation, Invention, Sharing, Creativity, success, Challenging, Communication, Caring, Interactive
And the most of all

Social Constructivism by lev Vygotsky.

Vygotsky determined that the interactions with others for a critical element for critical thinking and for learning, heat up every function in a child’s cultural development appears twice  firs on a social level and later on an individual level, so first between people are enters ecological and then inside child’s track psychological, this applies equally to voluntary attention to logical memory and into the formation of concepts all the higher functions originate actual relationships between individuals.
Vygotsky got the theory is based on code dialogue his own proximal development social interactions and culture.
Vygotsky’s theory included three major themes,
1 social interaction
2 The more knowledgeable other 
3 Zone of proximal Development or CPD
The three major themes included element second ought to be observed in today´s culture.
Vygotsky first major theme suggest that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition, persons can be observed working cooperatively together so on different to the group or in small groups around the classroom.

Vygotsky view interaction appears as an effective way in developing skills and strategies.
For Example
Cooperative learning is evident in writers workshop, writers encourage on another by listening.
Social interaction cost the evidence and agreed to collaborate the social studies unit, When their tacit learning, exploring understand each other´s culture.
The second major theme that guides students learning is the idea of the more knowledgeable other and KMO refers to someone who has a better understanding or higher ability level and the learner with respect to the particular task process or concept.
The MKO is normally as being a teacher a coach or an older adult but the MKO can also be peers  a younger person or even computers, the teachers usually seen as a coach and this is becoming more common it´s more common phrase as being used education , clever learning should be seen as a process appear interaction that mediated instruction by the teacher.
The teacher does less direct instruction and more facilitation learning by first briefly introducing and clarifying new concepts and information and then linking the new information to previously learned material.
So that is constructivism. And I support that.

Thanks so much. For your time.



Good afternoon partners ,I want to talk a little about their concepts and opinions about Vygotsky`s theory.
first talk about my partner Yascide Galvis I think she explained simply and clearly the concepts. and I am agree when she says that teaching is to transmit knowledge from one person to another, but also teaching is to motivate, encourage, innovate, share, create, and much more. all this in order to create learning. I am agree when she says that we learn all the time practicing and interacting in our environment.
Second now talk about the contributions of my partner Andrea perez,I think it is important when she says that learning occurs not only in education, this also occurs in all environments around us. for example: family, friends, community etc.  with respect to their contribution to Vygotsky`s theory, is very true that knowledge is a social product, it is a process between subject and medium. this medium is social and cultural .not just physical.
third now talk of the contribution of my partner Jose Castellanos. He tells us that language is not possible without human communication, and that language is not just talk but there are several ways such as body language, sign language, language for people with disabilities ocualar etc.

This was what I wanted to highlight of my partners, and I think everyone did a good job in their contributions. thanks

Johana Moreno

Concepts and opinions about Vygotsky’s theory

Language: It is the system through which people express their thoughts, feelings, etc. by speech, writing or other conventional symbols in order to communicate. Human language uses a complex language that expresses sound sequences and graphic signs. Animals differ in that they are expressed through sound and bodily signs, still cannot understand the man. Humans acquire language through social interaction in early childhood, and usually at the age of three children speak fluently. The first language we know in our childhood is called mother tongue. 

Learning is the process of assimilating information to acquire new knowledge, skills or abilities. Accordingly learning is to acquire, process, understand and apply information we have received through the experience of a real life situation. And when this process occurs in the earliest stages of life, involves changing behaviors, attitudes and values in relation to the society in which we live. Learning is essential for humans, allowing us to adapt and learn how to deal with the situations that we encounter in our daily lives.

Teaching: involves the development of techniques and methods aimed transmitting knowledge, information, values and attitudes from one human to another being. Education is very important for humans because it allows them to develop survival and adaptation to different situations. Teaching in Education is linked to objectives, methods, practices and resources are organized in order to achieve learning for each individual. Teaching also occurs in the family, church, etc. This type of education is essential for human growth. For learning to occur mediation of teaching must exist.

Constructivism as a School of Thought  

Constructivist model focuses on the person, their previous experiences, which makes new mental constructions. Constructivism is a position shared by different trends of psychological and educational research. These include the theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Piaget focuses on how knowledge starting from the interaction with the environment is built. By contrast, Vygotsky focuses on how the social environment allows internal reconstruction.

Vygotsky (1978) Their contribution has meant that learning is not treated as an individual rather social activity but. It should assess the social interaction in learning. There is evidence that students learn more effectively when it does cooperatively. While also teaching must be individualized in the sense of allowing each student to work independently at their own pace, it is necessary to promote collaboration and group work, as better relations with others are established, they learn more, they feel more motivated increases their self-esteem and learn more effective social skills. 

One of the most popular concepts presented by Vygotsky was the notion of a zone of proximal development (ZPD) which is an important facet of social constructivism, since it describes the tasks "that a child cannot do alone, but could do with the help of more competent peers or adults "(Slavin, 2003 p 44; Consultation Karpov and Haywood 1993).  

The combination of the theory of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, constructivism, promote human development both in the individual part, as on the outside, the interaction with the environment and society. These investigations are important for education because they provide tools for the development of learning. 

Apply social constructivism classroom 

To achieve apply the social constructivism in the classroom can be used several strategies such as: 
Previous organizer: which is a link between the new information that is already known or known. Offer students a structure of the new information. Encourage students to transfer and apply what they already know. Organize information that will be presented later, summarizing, organizing and sequencing the points, ideas or main aspects, in a logical way. An example of such maps organizers are processes where the steps and content to develop listed. 
The contextualization is to take into account the context. ¿What context? The context of the learners and their immediate environment, your family and your community or neighborhood. This means that the subjects addressed will relate to the environment, the ability to interact with the community environment and to learn from him shall be provided. 
Cognitive conflicts: Piaget we mentioned the importance of creating cognitive conflicts to create the need to learn. When a person is put in a difficult situation, which challenges you to think, are motivated to find solutions. To further challenge the minds and learners, they can ask for different solutions. This will be also developing creativity. Eg: For creating and managing an email account: 
what risks have to use email? What benefits does have an email account? What has social effects using e-mail? 
Work as a team, learn through projects: The Social Constructivism is characterized by social interaction to generate learning, so one way to achieve this is through school projects. Using projects as part of the curriculum is not new. Project-based learning has its roots in the theories of Vygotsky, Bruner and Piaget, as the construction of learning is the result of cooperative and collaborative work between students and the closer to reality, since its implementation should be interaction with its context and based on action learning. In addition, he is facing a series of cognitive conflicts that must be responding

Johana Andrea Moreno Arias.